As World Sisters, it is our responsibility and sacred duty to protect our world family, especially the younger members. We are calling upon all Sisters to be in selfless service to those who are in need or dependent on us for love, care, and support.

It is our responsibility to provide our children with a home that is safe and free from potential harm. It is our duty to provide for their physical and emotional needs. To love and shelter them. It is our responsibility to set a good example, to be a role model to those around us. To teach them to be truthful, respectful, and to do unto others as they would have others do unto them.

World Sisters must teach them about life outside the home – about nature and their role as guardians and caretakers of this beautiful planet. We will teach them by word and deed. We will lead by example.

It is our responsibility to both humanity and our Mother Earth, to become the best Sisters we can be. To help where and when we can in our local community. To teach and share our knowledge whenever possible. To be responsible for our words and deeds within our broader community. To understand we share this planet and its resources with all life.  Each of us needs to do what we can to protect the animals, forests, farm land, air and oceans.

World Sisters feel a deep inner calling to care for both our world family and our environment. We invite our brothers who share our mission to join with us. We are all in this together. World Sisters are the ones to save our family and our home. Now is the time. Our future hangs in the balance. With our loving awareness and skillful actions, large and small, we can heal this world and make it a safe and harmonious place to live so all can thrive.

Come on, World Sisters, we can do this!  Please join us!


A Call for Loving Action

